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Saturday 17 September 2011

Great Dane

From their looks you can tell that this are massive sized dogs with lots of strength to give away. have pointy ears that stand  erect when cropped suspended close to the cheek when not cropped. . the head is rectangular in shape and long. the female Dane is longer compared to the male which is taller. has deep eyes that is dark in color and medium in size. the tail is bulky at the base but slimmer at the tip. it has a thick and short coat. the Great Dane comes in colors as brindle, fawn, black, blue, mantle harlequin.

The Great Dane is a big dog with a gentle attitude, its loving and affectionate. the Great Dane is a social dog as it loves to play and be around people. they rarely bark or get angry, they only get angry when aggravated. they smart and intelligent with great strength which makes them very good watchdogs. they are reliable, loyal and can be trusted, obedience is another great quality of the gentle giant. the great Dane is gentle and can also be very aggressive if not properly dominated by the owner. the owner must show great leadership towards his dog to prevent him from becoming dog-aggressive. The reason the Great Dane can be a good family dog apart from all the qualities i mentioned earlier is because they less active indoors but requires lots of exercise to keep him that way. A home with a large yard to play would be just fine for a Dane.
the Great Dane is not difficult to groom as it's short-haired coat makes it easy to brush and keep clean. always use a firm brush and shampoo. it's great size makes daily bathing difficult. always ensure that nails are trimmed at all times. If you are allergic to dog hair, you should not have any problem with the Great Dane because it sheds little hair and has a life span of approximately 10 to 13 years.

Health Matters
They are prone to bloat, hip dyspepsia, heart disease, tumors and tail injuries

Do not take them out for a long walk or jogging before 1 year of age. short walk would be appropriate nothing more.

Golden Retriever

the golden retriever is a hardy, agile, medium -large sized dog with a large head size. the nose color is usually black nor brownish black. dark brown eyes, nicely arranged teeth with a scissors like look when closed together. the ear suspends close to the cheek, the tail is long, bushy and feathery at the base. the coat has a creamy and gold like look. this color combination of the golden retriever make it every beautiful. the underbelly hair looks slightly spiky, the back side has a smooth feel.

The Golden Retriever is a smart, gentle obedient dog. it is very energetic, so needs lots of exercise (both physical and mental) to keep fit and healthy. Their beautiful looks makes them adorable. This is an intelligent breed and are mostly used for intelligence competitions. you will never regret training a golden retriever because they are very obedient and easy to train dogs. They'll make good friends with your kids and even other dogs around the neighborhood. if you are looking for a guard dog, you shouldn't be asking for a golden retriever because they have minimal guarding skills because of their friendly nature. their gentle attitude makes them less of a "guard dog" and more of a "play dog",if you love swimming then this breed is one that you will like. The Golden Retriever can be destructive when allowed to play alone for a very long time.

Health Matters
The most common health issues with Golden Retrievers are skin allergies, so therefore, the veterinarian should be duly consulted. Mind you, they add weight easily when over fed.
Ensure that they are properly exercised. a long walk is appropriate. They live approximately 10 to 12 years.

Strange Cat Behavior!

I am a lover of animals, this it the reason why i am setting up this blog because i feel that a passion is a thing that should be shared with everyone around the world. something happened not too long ago that caught my attention and i thought you guys should know about  it.
it is about cat behavior. before now there were four cats living in my church compound which I'm not sure belongs to any specific person. They were all looking so healthy and beautiful before their mother left them. even while their mother was still with them, they had plenty to eat at all times because of the food court that was right where they lived at that time (this was the year 2010). There was a restructuring of the environment and the food court was part of the things that was taken out of the main compound. The four cats had plenty to eat because of this food court, but now that it is gone and the availability of food gradually coming to a halt, three out of the four cats had to  relocate for "greener pasture", but one stayed back. i wanted to know where it was that they relocated to so i had to look for them. To my amazement, i found out that the three cats were able to find the new place where the food court was transferred to. sorry, i didn't tell you earlier that the restructuring that took place did not take out the food court totally away from the church, it only relocated it to the car pack which was behind the church auditorium.
Over a period of time i was expecting and hoping that the fourth cat which happened to be the youngest amongst them would  go out in search for food but i was surprised it didn't it rather chose to stay back. The cat grew slimmer and bony as you can see the rib bone just at a glance because all it got to eat was crumbs from the snacks people ate. Definitely from the look of things, the crumbs were not enough to keep it healthy and strong. and now it looks very thin and bony compared to her siblings that are getting fat from plenty of food they get everyday from the trash cans.

so this strange behavior pops a question in my mind. why would a cat not look for a way to get food even when its almost dying of hunger? i know that cats are naturally lazy but definitely not to this point. so, what is really the cause of this strange behavior? This is just too much a prize to pay for ignorance and laziness.

English Bulldog

The English bulldog is a another interesting dog you should know about when looking for a dog for your family. Let me start by telling you how they look generally.
The English bulldog is a medium sized dog with a wide, stout and compact looking body. its short legs makes it look short. it has deep beautiful dark eyes and a black nose with broad nostrils. i consider the extra folded skin on the head the English bulldog trademark. They come in different colors like solid white, solid red, red speckle, piebald, pale yellow, just to mention a few of the colors you will find.

mind you the bulldog has an intimidating look that brings fear to your heart at first encounter, but do not worry much because the looks of a dog is not what really describes their behavior even though some does. The English bulldog is a very gentle dog that anyone would wish to have. the English bulldog is kind and gentle with children. the fact that is gentle doesn't mean it is weak, in fact this is one courageous dog that i know and it's guarding abilities can not be overemphasized. s\Some English bulldogs display a little bit of a dominating attitude. To own this kind of a dog you need to understand the alpha canine behavior so that you can also display a good leadership attitude towards your dog. the english bulldogs loves to be the boss of his own so you need to really have a knowledge of how to handle them before you get one for your family. they are not so friendly with other dogs and will start a fight too quickly. bulldogs are quite energetic at an early stage of life but as they grow older they become slow and kind of weak. bulldogs drool and snore really loud and are messy eaters. so if you want to own a bulldog you should do your homework. never forget that bulldogs are very bossy in nature and would not hesitate to do so if given the chance. bulldogs that are left to live the way they want as leaders rather than followers: are mostly less happy. if you must own a bulldog then you must be ready to be the leader of the pack.

Health Matters 
Breathing problem this is mostly peculiar to bulldogs. they are cold sensitive dogs, therefore can not live in a hot environment. they are best known as indoor dogs, so if you are the type that like staying indoors a lot then i think this is the breed you should go for. puppies are mostly delivered through caesarian section due to their large head which makes normal delivery difficult or even impossible. they leave an average of 8 years or less for some others. their short hair and smooth coat makes grooming easy. make sure the skin at the head region is cleaned everyday. clean it it with a slightly wet cloth to prevent germs from staying in between the folds. regular exercise is needed to keep them fit and healthy.

Thank You 

Friday 2 September 2011


Shetland Sheepdog
 collies weigh approximately 10-25kg and are medium in sized. they  have a pointed snout and partly erect ear. collies used for herding cattles are usually chunky. they are active, agile and alart at most times. they are sensitive dogs. collies come with different fur sizes, some are long or short or even flat. you will find most collies with full tail instead of just been bushy or smooth.
They also vary in coloration, but the predominant color is black, a mixture of black and tan, red and tan or ebony. most collies have white underbelly which is a perfect combination with the predominant color.

collies are generally trainable, gentle, obedient, intelligent, loyal and very devoted to their owner. The working type of collie have been proven to be very energetic and lively and can run all day without been exhausted irrespective of the topography.
collies are better pals than they are watchdogs. children will easily adapt to them because of their gentle and friendly character.
border collie
Most collies have long fur, this makes grooming a little bit challenging because you have to groom them at least twice every week. some health issues that collies might face is the genetic defect. The most affected breed in particular are the smooth collie and the rough collie. Genetic defect causes extra sensitivity, these makes them to react to some drugs as ivermectin, along with some ipioids antibiotics and steroids.

Types and Breeds
  • Australian cattle dog
  • australian bordaussie
  • Australian kelpie
  • australian shepherd
  • smooth collie
  • australian stumpy tail cattle dog
  • bearded collie
  • cumberland sheepdog
  • english shepherd
  • blue lacy
  • border collie
  • huntaway
  • german collie
  • lurcher
  • farm collie
  • bearded collie
  • scotch collie
  • old english sheepdog
  • McNab shepherd
  • smithfield
  • shetland sheepdog
  • welsh sheepdog


The boxer is a fantastic breed with a shiny and smooth coat. it is also a short-haired breed. the most recognized colors are fawn and brindle, they generally have a white underbelly as their feet. There are boxers that have a white markings covering one third of their coat, they are normally called "white boxers". the fact that they are white doesn't make them albino or rare; comparativly 20-25% of boxers are white.It has been deduced that about 18% of white Boxers are deaf in one or both ears due to the extreme piebald gene which is responsible for the white markings on their coat.

The boxer is a great companion. its character is one that any family would appreciate in a dog. he is faithful and loyal. he is harmless in the home and uptight of outsiders. he is very friendly when it is play time but can also fight back when agitated. the boxer is a very cheerful and energetic dog. honesty defines him best. he is never deceitful no matter how old he becomes.

Boxers are very active dogs this feature will match perfectly with a family that has active kids too. Boxers requires lots of physical exercise to keep him from boredom. when bored they tend to exhibit distructive character like chewing, licking and digging.
you need to be careful when training your boxer because they have been proven to be very stubborn dogs but they are not naturaly belligrent, they only are when provoked.
Boxers are strong and active, they might not be the perfect dog for a family but they sure can  make good guard dogs.
Dont forget that they will make good pals with your kids.


This is a totally lovable dog endowed with cool body features like its beautiful brown eyes, the sharp nose, the cheerful character and the mischievous pranks. its playful and cheerful attitude makes it a fantastic dog for any family that's got lots of energy to give away.

I'll start by giving you the information about their possible health matters and how to train them. this dog is popularly known by their power of scents that's why they are called scent hounds. they were first bred in England as trail dogs mostly used in the wild to hunt for small games. this field activities makes them excited and keeps them healthy

Beagles are a little bit challenging to train because of their astonishing sense of smell. Their hound instinct that is most likely going to take over once they get an interesting scent is what makes them a little bit hard to keep up with. Its a very curious kind of breed and can easily get into trouble if left to play alone for a long time without supervision. come to think of it; that is just a little challenge compared to all the beautiful things the beagle has to offer.

The Beagle is a very loyal, delightful and of course a very charming dog. The most interesting part is that you can help your dog overcome the challenge it may have. the beagle has been proven to be easily managed by trainers. if you really love your dog you will be patient diligent enough to help.

This is sure a great dog to have in a family. i hope that you find this information helpful in your quest of finding a suitable dog for your family.

Thank you
Christopher Gabriel

welcome to In-Animal

thank you for visiting Myname is christopher Gabriel. animals are an essential part of human existence that is why i have taking out time to create this blog with the intention of helping you out with all the information you will need to have a sweet relationship with your pet animal.