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Saturday 17 September 2011

English Bulldog

The English bulldog is a another interesting dog you should know about when looking for a dog for your family. Let me start by telling you how they look generally.
The English bulldog is a medium sized dog with a wide, stout and compact looking body. its short legs makes it look short. it has deep beautiful dark eyes and a black nose with broad nostrils. i consider the extra folded skin on the head the English bulldog trademark. They come in different colors like solid white, solid red, red speckle, piebald, pale yellow, just to mention a few of the colors you will find.

mind you the bulldog has an intimidating look that brings fear to your heart at first encounter, but do not worry much because the looks of a dog is not what really describes their behavior even though some does. The English bulldog is a very gentle dog that anyone would wish to have. the English bulldog is kind and gentle with children. the fact that is gentle doesn't mean it is weak, in fact this is one courageous dog that i know and it's guarding abilities can not be overemphasized. s\Some English bulldogs display a little bit of a dominating attitude. To own this kind of a dog you need to understand the alpha canine behavior so that you can also display a good leadership attitude towards your dog. the english bulldogs loves to be the boss of his own so you need to really have a knowledge of how to handle them before you get one for your family. they are not so friendly with other dogs and will start a fight too quickly. bulldogs are quite energetic at an early stage of life but as they grow older they become slow and kind of weak. bulldogs drool and snore really loud and are messy eaters. so if you want to own a bulldog you should do your homework. never forget that bulldogs are very bossy in nature and would not hesitate to do so if given the chance. bulldogs that are left to live the way they want as leaders rather than followers: are mostly less happy. if you must own a bulldog then you must be ready to be the leader of the pack.

Health Matters 
Breathing problem this is mostly peculiar to bulldogs. they are cold sensitive dogs, therefore can not live in a hot environment. they are best known as indoor dogs, so if you are the type that like staying indoors a lot then i think this is the breed you should go for. puppies are mostly delivered through caesarian section due to their large head which makes normal delivery difficult or even impossible. they leave an average of 8 years or less for some others. their short hair and smooth coat makes grooming easy. make sure the skin at the head region is cleaned everyday. clean it it with a slightly wet cloth to prevent germs from staying in between the folds. regular exercise is needed to keep them fit and healthy.

Thank You 

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